Treasured friends
Treasured friends

The date that a NPI record was last updated or changed. The date the provider was assigned a unique identifier (assigned an NPI). The provider other organization name codes are:

#Treasured friends code

The code identifying the type of other name. The other organization name is the alternative last name by which the provider is or has been known (if an individual) or other name by which the organization provider is or has been known. These components are often separately licensed or certified by States and may exist at physical locations other than that of the hospital of which they are a component. Hospital components include outpatient departments, surgical centers, psychiatric units, and laboratories. Subparts are the components and separate physical locations of organization health care providers. 2 = Non-person: entity other than an individual human being that furnishes health care (Examples: hospital, SNF, hospital subunit, pharmacy, or HMO).1 = Person: individual human being who furnishes health care.The entity type code describes the type of health care provider that is being assigned an NPI. Treasured Friends Llc is registered as an entity type code: 2. This address may contain the same information as the provider location address. The mailing address of the provider being identified. This address cannot include a Post Office box. For providers with more than one physical location, this is the primary location. The location address of the provider being identified. The NPI is 10-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPPES to uniquely identify a health care provider. What is the National Provider Indentifier (NPI)? Also to raise the level of the individual's physical, mental, social, and vocational functioning. The function of day habilitation is to assist an individual to acquire and maintain those life skills that enable the individual to cope more effectively with the demands of independent living. Taxonomy Description: these agencies are authorized to provide day habilitation services to developmentally disabled individuals who live in their homes. Case management may also serve to provide necessary coordination of non-medical services such as vocational rehabilitation, education, employment, when the services provided enable the individual to function at the highest level.ĭay Training, Developmentally Disabled Services It may be used to encourage the use of cost-effective medical care by referrals to appropriate providers and to discourage over utilization of costly services. Case management services may be used to locate, coordinate, and monitor necessary appropriate services. The agency provides services which assist an individual in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and/or other services. Penn Ave., Harrisville, WV 26362.Taxonomy Description: an organization that is responsible for providing case management services. Online condolences may be sent to the family at In lieu of flowers, donations are preferred to Ritchie County Board of Education, c/o Smithville Elementary School, 134 S. Visitation will be held Wednesday from 5-8 p.m. Burial will follow in the Harrisville IOOF Cemetery. 25, 2022, at Raiguel Funeral Home, Harrisville with Evang. He was preceded in death by brothers, Harry “Bud” Goodnight, Eugene Goodnight, Gary Joe Goodnight, Keith Goodnight and sisters, Carole Evans and Lana Sue Anderson.įuneral services will be held at 1 p.m., Thursday, Aug. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Jeanette Prather Goodnight two children, Cynthia Elaine Dale (Hugh), and Kenneth Paul “Kenny” Goodnight II (Teresa) of Smithville granddaughter, McKenzie Goodnight brother, Lloyd “Buzz” Goodnight of Vero Beach, FL sisters, Pamela Kay Holbert of Macfarlan and Marcia Jan Angely of Elizabeth sister-in-law, Nancy Goodnight and many treasured friends.

treasured friends

He especially enjoyed golfing with his friends. was a private pilot and loved operating equipment, farming and woodworking and enjoyed renovating old homes. He received the Melvin Jones Fellow award presented by the Harrisville Lions Club for his community service. He was a 50-year founding member of Smithville Volunteer Fire Dept., Member of Ritchie County EMS, and Past Director of Farmers and Merchants Bank of Harrisville.

treasured friends

was a member of Burnt House I.O.O.F., a 50-year member of Harrisville Lodge #98 AF & AM serving as past master and Parkersburg Nemesis Shrine. In 1977, he started Salvage Oil and Gas and in 1979, Allstate Energy Corporation, both in Smithville. He was a well inspector for 10 years with The WV DEP.

treasured friends

He then worked for Allegheny Land and Mineral Co. He completed Holbert Welding School in Massillon, Ohio, and worked at Republic Steel. was a US Army Veteran of the Korean Conflict serving as a paratrooper in the 11th Airborne Division. 18, 1934, at Macfarlan, WV the son of the late Harry Clayton and Helen Marie Lemon Goodnight. Kenneth Paul “K.P.” Goodnight, of Smithville, WV, departed this life Aug.

Treasured friends